Embrace Your Inner Essence

Let go and relax into awareness

Rediscover yourself as Awareness, calmness and stillness to alleviate fear, anxiety and stress within your life. The journey inward is an intriguing exploration, not merely a destination.

A Calm State of Mind

Peace is within us at all times

Peace is always within you, and you have the power to access it whenever you want, even amidst daily chaos. You don’t need to strive for it because it’s already a part of who you are. Allow yourself to embrace this innate gift and let it shine through in everything you do.

Every experience and obstacle in your personal journey has potential for growth and discovery. You shouldn’t let fear hold you back, but instead, use it as motivation to achieve greatness.

Remember that you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to. So seize this new day with hope and determination. When you shift your focus from your thoughts to the background silent behind them, you can unlock your inner peaceful nature. 

The present moment has always been inside you, even when life distracts. You must not forget to appreciate the beauty within the peaceful silence that resides in you.

By turning your attention to this inner stillness, you can create a more serene and balanced life within yourselves, both at work and with your family, and in society as a whole.


“A calm mind does not need concentration, it needs rest in order to reflect and to know everything. It is like a still pond that reflects everything on its surface exactly as it is when it is undisturbed, still and calm”

- Huan Minh Vuong

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Look inward and discover the missing pieces of your life. Embrace your inner peacefulness and reclaim your peaceful state of mind. In this state you will rediscover your true essence, and be able to detach yourself from the worries and chaos of the external world. Learn to rest within yourself, while you continue engaging in all activities of your life with renewed positivity, understanding and insigt.

“Peace is the ever-present quality of Awareness dwelling within us at all times!”

– Huan Minh Vuong

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Multiple aspects of our mind

Thinking and witnessing

Witnessing and thinking are two interwoven aspects of our mind. However, while thinking can deplete our energy, witnessing is a non-judgmental state of awareness that brings us closer to our true selves. When our thoughts dissolve into tranquility, we are left with a peaceful and serene consciousness. Embracing the power of witnessing enables us to awaken our inner potential and find inspiration in the present moment.

The difference between thinking and witnessing lies in the extent of changes they bring about. Any alteration in our mental state is accompanied by a shift in our mood and way of being, all of which are witnessed by our unchanging awareness. Witnessing is a continual process that takes place solely in the present moment. It is here and now,  and it will never change. It is who we are; the non-verbal and non-conceptual witnessing Awareness.

Girls in cobra pose at yoga class

What is the feeling of "I"

As we’re exploring the misconception of the self or “I”, it becomes necessary to consider whether we are defined solely by our physical and mental attributes. A thorough examination of the nature of change is required in order to fully comprehend this idea. Our bodies and minds are in a state of constant flux, rendering us perpetually different from our former selves. Our thoughts shift from moment to moment, and our emotions are in a constant state of flux. Over months and years, our personalities transform and we evolve as individuals. It appears that every aspect of our being changes from childhood to adulthood. The question remains: In the midst of all these changes, who are we truly? Are we the person we were last year, or the person we will become next year? Who do we truly belong to?

Within each of us lies something that never undergoes change, a constant presence of non-verbal “I” survives the ebbs and flows of life. It is the sensation that we are the same individual from birth until now, an unspoken recognition of our existence. This Knowingness as the luminous “I” remains still and tranquil amidst all of the changes in our bodies and minds. To truly discover ourselves, we need to connect with this unchanging essence. Remember, even as life shifts around us, this unwavering quality within us endures.

To truly know ourselves, we must have confidence in our innate wisdom, beyond the fleeting changes of our physical form and ever-shifting thoughts. By delving into the unwavering Stillness and Awareness within, we awaken to the truth of our Being. What is this Awareness that remains constant? How does it relate to our experiences?

Our Awareness is our very essence, the unchanging background against which the drama of life plays out. Our thoughts, emotions, and sensations are mere actors upon this unshakable stage, unable to disrupt our unyielding sense of Self. Trust in this unchanging Awareness unlocks the treasures of self-knowledge and everlasting Truth about who we are.

Emptiness of self (ego)

"Form is emptiness, emptiness is form"

All that we see, touch and feel is a result of the law of cause and effect. Nothing can create itself, but instead relies on different factors aligning in the proper moment for existence to manifest.

Despite this dependency, all sensory experiences are Empty; meaning, they can only arise if the correct linking conditions are present.

Once all necessary conditions deteriorate within an object of our experience, it ages and decomposes. As time passes, it fades into nothingness.

This state of Nothingness is far from a state of total absence and void, but rather filled with Energy, Stillness and Awareness, ready to manifest whenever desired.

This potential state is within each and every one of us, waiting to take form as thoughts, feelings and actions. Once fulfilled, they return to the state of Being recognized as Calmness, Stillness, Emptiness, and Awareness.

Through a deep understanding of Being, we can effortlessly explore the nature of Emptiness within our body, thoughts and mind. We gain clarity on the reality of name and form, as well as our conceptual mind, waking, dreaming and dreamless state.

Our journey takes us beyond the limits of ego, allowing us to recognize ourselves as Still Cognitive Awareness that exists only in Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Once we achieve this realization, we can integrate it into our daily life, making it easy to rest in our innate nature of Awareness and Stillness. Stress and fear are transcended, and we no longer identify with our experiences. We have arrived at our True Self with newfound confidence.

“Clarity is who we are, but due to our mental confusions we build an image of ourselves!” *

– Huan Minh Vuong

*Footnote: this is called “ignorance” in Buddhism or in the Advaita Vedanta tradition. It means “not understanding” or “confusion” of the interconnection between our inner Awareness and the manifestation of all our sensory experiences, psychical and the non-psychical world.

Name and form

Emptiness of name and form how conditions are gathering to form a psychical person.

Conceptual mind

Emptiness of the conceptual mind and a person's personality how conditions are gathering to form a persona.

Cognitive mind

Emptiness of the cognitive mind, how it always timeless, formless and present. Based on the recognition of the experience of Sameness through out time we have looked for ourselves in name and form and the conceptual mind and emotions to find ourselves that let us to believe that "I" is sum of all our experiences


Emptiness of the gross mind - The conscious level where decision does not take place, but ,erely a state where the subconscious thoughts made visible for the intellect to rationalize from the subconscious (øverste etage)


Emptiness of the subtle mind - The place where a desire takes place in order to form an image of decision. Just like a picture that is taken by the camera but has not yet been developed (kælder etage)


Emptiness of the most subtle mind - The store house where seeds of vritties reside in an unmanifest form. It is space filled with darkness. There is no manifestation, image, or anything (dwelling place - bottom of an iceberg)


The fourth state of mind

Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Still Awareness, Turiya

Meditation is a profound journey inward, from the waking state to the dreamless state, and then beyond to a state of pure awareness. It involves a vertical progression in which the individual personality dissolves as the mind delves deeper and deeper.


Rest in Still Background Awareness

Mala meditation

Content of mala meditation – scroll mala as fast as it fits – in beginning just rest in head as not meditating – be unfocused – Look deeply inside or look into the middle of the head – wait til breath gets slow – scroll in outbreath – mind and breath get still – breath through the body


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Breath retention

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Yoga Postures

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Inner Exploration

Recognition of Awareness

Mindfulness means to recognize, to remember, to recall or to return to. TIPS in Buddhism practice – Look into the emptiness of objects, look into the emptiness of thoughts and emotions. Look into the emptiness of mind, and look into the emptiness of emptiness and stay there until you go deeper into samadhi.


Learn to relax your mind's muscles

Justo facilisis tellus efficitur commodo suspendisse non lorem auctor rutrum sapien. Ut nulla dictum letius faucibus felis fermentum tincidunt iaculis consectetur. Nascetur pharetra quis luctus convallis tellus egestas pede porta tempus dolor.


Focus vs. unfocused of attention

Justo facilisis tellus efficitur commodo suspendisse non lorem auctor rutrum sapien. Ut nulla dictum letius faucibus felis fermentum tincidunt iaculis consectetur. Nascetur pharetra quis luctus convallis tellus egestas pede porta tempus dolor.


Look deeply into the emptiness of mind

Justo facilisis tellus efficitur commodo suspendisse non lorem auctor rutrum sapien. Ut nulla dictum letius faucibus felis fermentum tincidunt iaculis consectetur. Nascetur pharetra quis luctus convallis tellus egestas pede porta tempus dolor.


Self-enquiry of who is aware

Justo facilisis tellus efficitur commodo suspendisse non lorem auctor rutrum sapien. Ut nulla dictum letius faucibus felis fermentum tincidunt iaculis consectetur. Nascetur pharetra quis luctus convallis tellus egestas pede porta tempus dolor.

Rediscover our inner Heart Qualities

Waking state is like 1. floor while subconscious is like a basement. Conscious state is the one that makes the decisions vissible while all the decisions are made in the subconscious mind. The unconscious mind is where alle the seeds are store like a storehouse. These are only the 3 levels of mind from the gross in the waking to the most subtle which is in the dreamless state.

Knowledge shared by

Huan M. Vuong

Unlock your limitless potential through the ancient teachings of awareness meditation. With years of dedicated practice, comprehensive research, and unwavering perseverance, the instructor embodies the true power of passion and hard work. Let his journey inspire you to discover the endless possibilities within yourself.



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Heidi Jønsson
Heidi JønssonDesignation
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Thank you for a fantastic morning. It has given me a joy and peace in my body that I haven't had in a long time. Highly recommended more of it.
Nathan Coleman
Nathan ColemanDesignation
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Kelly Beavers
Kelly BeaversDesignation
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Orci mollis cursus aliquet gravida dui habitant facilisi. Vivamus semper posuere praesent facilisi cras nam quisque proin. Volutpat dictum nibh iaculis orci habitasse commodo erat lorem dapibus.
Richard Bravo
Richard BravoDesignation
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Orci mollis cursus aliquet gravida dui habitant facilisi. Vivamus semper posuere praesent facilisi cras nam quisque proin. Volutpat dictum nibh iaculis orci habitasse commodo erat lorem dapibus.